With the acceptance by NMC, the GMC, and other professional bodies, the OET (Occupational English Test) has seen growing popularity across Europe.

As experts in healthcare recruitment, Vitae Professionals has developed a very successful program with experienced tutors with more than 100 nurses passing the exam with success in the last 18 months.

If you are a healthcare professional and considering the possibility of working in an English-speaking country, we invite you to read further to learn more about OET, our team and learn how we can assist you in this process.

What is OET?

OET is an English language test for healthcare professionals (not a test of their medical knowledge) who seek to register and practice in an English-speaking environment. This exam focuses on the assessment of the four key language skills: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. It’s trusted by regulators, hospitals & universities in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Dubai, and Singapore as proof of ability to communicate effectively.

By taking OET, professionals will be able to prove they have the right level of English and learn the kind of language they will need daily in a professional context.

The interesting thing about this exam, in comparison with IELTS, is that each part assesses your understanding of English in a workplace-related healthcare context. Speaking and writing sub-tests are specific to each healthcare profession.

Being an accredited Preparation Provider for the Occupational English Test, Vitae Professionals offers a range of possibilities for this exam’s qualification. We offer courses for Nursing, Medicine, Dentistry, Physiotherapy, and Veterinary Science.

We have an excellent team of specialists (that you’ll have the opportunity to meet below), and an online study platform where you’ll be able to prepare successfully for this exam.


What is OET Online Preparation Course by Vitae Professionals

This course was designed to successfully prepare you for the OET through tips and strategies to use during the exam and exercises that will help you to practice all components under assessment as well as constant support from our team in case of doubt. With over 100 students, our preparation course has a success rate of more than 80% pass at the first attempt.



How does it work?

Students will have access to a dedicated online platform where they can learn more about the exam, its different components, tricks and tips for success, and dozens of exercises to practice.

They will also be entitled to individual Writing and speaking sessions with our experienced English teachers and healthcare professionals with the opportunity to practice and ask any questions regarding the different components and the exam.

In addition, the course will also have available the possibility to attend webinars on specific topics and online Bootcamp to practice even further.

Our OET Bootcamp

Our OET Bootcamp is an intensive program that was developed having in mind the possibility of trainees taking their exam right after this preparation (classes from Monday to Friday, exam on Saturday – advisable but not mandatory).



During this Bootcamp, you will have the opportunity to work on the 4 components of the exam (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking) through different strategies:

  • webinars with tutors with years of experience in the preparation for language proficiency exams
  • mock exams
  • individual and group exercises
Meet our team of specialists:

Our team is composed of an experienced coordinator, teachers with years of experience in the preparation for English exams, and healthcare professionals.



We will be talking about each of these tutors individually so stay tuned!

In need of some extra motivation? Have a look at some of our prior student´s results and feedback.


We are here for you. If you require any further information please get in touch: i.cruz@vitaeprofessionals.com.