VP Formação, powered by Vitae Professionals, is a training entity certified by DGERT (General Directorate for Employment and Labour Relations), in areas of education and training in Languages and Foreign Literature, Nursing, and Health, a symbol of recognition of quality in the Portuguese market, certifying excellence of training providers.
Being a certified training provider means that procedures and practices are in accordance with specific quality benchmark for training. Additionally, training is only considered certified under the terms of the National Qualifications System, if developed by a certified training entity.
Are you thinking about Learning Portuguese?
We would like to present you our Portuguese as a Foreign Language Online Course – A1 level (other levels also available).
Unlock the doors to a world of adventure, culture, and opportunity with our Portuguese language course.
Whether you’re planning to travel to Portugal, or already living/working in the country, our course is the perfect way to achieve your language learning goals.
About our course:
– A1 level (other levels also available)
– E-Learning
– Duration: 6 weeks
– 60h in synchronous online classes (Zoom, Skype, Teams, or similar)
– 3 days per week (3-hour daily classroom sessions)
– Individually help to overcome difficulties
– Groups of 6 to 8 students
– Cost: 515€
Teacher speaks in English, Dutch, French and Portuguese.

Maria do Carmo is passionate about teaching and dedicated to helping her students improve their language skills.
She is a Portuguese citizen and has lived in the Netherlands for over two decades, with 30-year teaching experience.
She graduated from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto with a degree in Dutch as an elective subject, in addition to having trained at the Institute of French Language and Literature and holds a post-graduate in English Language Teaching.
Maria do Carmo is the ideal multilingual professional to help you acquire an understanding of the Portuguese language and culture.
![]() Com um modelo de formação que alia a teoria à prática, procuramos facilitar a aprendizagem. |
![]() Este curso foi pensado e elaborado pelos melhores profissionais de línguas e com competências pedagógicas na área. |
![]() Os nossos cursos são acompanhados por uma equipa de formadores com anos de experiência profissional. |
![]() Coloque as suas questões e receba feedback dos formadores. |
O que preciso para começar este curso?
Necessita de efetuar o pagamento, entregar documentos solicitados e após reunidas estas condições iniciará o curso mediante o cronograma definido.
Quando posso começar?
O curso decorre nas datas definidas em cronograma.