Being a good healthcare professional goes beyond effective technical skills. Strong communication skills are key to embody a good nurse, especially in a different language. Sound communication helps nurses build rapport with both patients, carers, and family.
This course is designed for nurses who want to improve their English communication skills in a healthcare setting. It focuses on everyday language rather than technical terminology, with an emphasis on listening and speaking. Participants will practice essential conversations and routine interactions common in nursing.
Target group: Nurses who want to Communicate appropriately in a hospital/clinical environment using technical terms in a correct and efficient manner to practice existing healthcare situations.
Prerequisite: all participants should have a B1 level of English language knowledge.

Márcia has worked as an English Trainer for ELT (English Language Teaching) for 15 years, teaching not only international business professionals but also teenagers and children.
Born and raised in South Africa, where she lived for 25 years, allowing her to master the English language completely.
More recently, she has embraced OET Preparation, an English language test for healthcare professionals.
![]() Com um modelo de formação que alia a teoria à prática, procuramos facilitar a aprendizagem. |
![]() Este curso foi pensado e elaborado pelos melhores profissionais de línguas e com competências pedagógicas na área. |
![]() Os nossos cursos são acompanhados por uma equipa de formadores com anos de experiência profissional. |
![]() Coloque as suas questões e receba feedback dos formadores. |
O que preciso para começar este curso?
Necessita de efetuar o pagamento, entregar documentos solicitados e após reunidas estas condições iniciará o curso mediante o cronograma definido.
Quando posso começar?
O curso decorre nas datas definidas em cronograma.